

时间:2024年01月09日 20:09
学 术 职 衔
导 师 姓 名
博士研究生 大连理工大学
工 作 部 门
大连交通大学 澳门六合彩开奖结果
 系 电 话
电 子 邮 箱
研 究 方 向
2023.03 - 至今  大连交通大学 澳门六合彩开奖结果 副教授/硕士生导师
2020.04-2023.03 大连理工大学 工程力学系   博士后
2013.09-2020.06 大连理工大学 澳门六合彩开奖结果 硕博连读
2009.09-2013.07 大连交通大学 澳门六合彩开奖结果 本科
1、 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,2023.01-2025.1230万元,主持
2、 国家重点研发计划项目,子课题,2022.08-2025.0730万元,主持
3、 国家博士后科学基金,第70批面上项目,2022.01-2023.1212万元,主持
4、 国家博士后科学基金,第74批面上项目,2024.01-2025.128万元,主持
5、 教育部重点实验室基金,开放课题,2021.11-2023.106万元,主持
6、 国家重点研发计划项目,重点专项课题,2020.12-2025.11,参与,排4/6
7、  国家自然科学基金,重大研究计划项目,2020.01-2023.12,参与,排8/10
8、  国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2023.01-2026.12,参与,排3/3
9、 KGJ基础科研项目,2021.01-2021.12,参与,排3/3
1、  国家知识产权局,发明专利,一种面向切削稳定性预报的跨轴跨点模态测试与参数辨识方法, ZL201811066357.4,排2/2,授权日:2019.10.11
2、  美国专利及商标局,发明专利,A cross-axis and cross-point modal testing and parameter identification method for predicting the cutting stabilityUS011426833B2,排2/2,授权日:2022.08.30
[1]  Sun Yuwen, Jiang Shanglei. Predictive modeling of chatter stability considering force-induced deformation effect in milling thin-walled parts. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,2018,135:38–52. (中科院1, JCR Q1, IF:14
[2] Jiang Shanglei, Zhan Danian, Liu Yang, Sun Yuwen, Xu Jinting. Modeling of variable-pitch/helix milling system considering axially varying dynamics with cutter runout offset and tilt effects. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2022,168:108674. (中科院1区, JCR Q1, IF:8.4
[3] Jiang Shanglei, Sun Yuwen. Stability analysis for a milling system considering multi-point-contact cross-axis mode coupling and cutter run-out effects. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2020,141:106452. (中科院1区, JCR Q1, IF:8.4
[4] Jiang Shanglei, Sun Yuwen. A multi-order method for predicting stability of a multi-delay milling system considering helix angle and run-out effects. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,2018,316:1375–1387. (中科院1, JCR Q1, IF:5.7
[5] Jiang Shanglei, Yan Shuyang, Liu Yong, Duan Chunzheng, Xu Jinting, Sun Yuwen. Analytical prediction of chatter stability in turning of low-stiffness pure iron parts by nosed tool. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019,1025–8:1227–1237. (中科院3区,JCR Q2, IF:3.4
[6] Jiang Shanglei, Sun Yuwen, Yuan Xilin, Liu Weirui. A second-order semi-discretization method for the efficient and accurate stability prediction of milling process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2017,921–4:583–595. (中科院3区,JCR Q2, IF:3.4
[7] Zhan Danian, Jiang Shanglei, Niu Jinbo, Sun Yuwen. Dynamics modeling and stability analysis of five-axis ball-end milling system with variable pitch tools. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2020,182:105774. (中科院2, JCR Q1, IF:7.3
[8] Zhan Danian, Li Shikang, Jiang Shanglei (通讯), Sun Yuwen. Optimal pitch angles determination of ball-end cutter for improving five-axis milling stability. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2022, 84:832-846. (中科院2区,JCR Q2, IF:6.2
[9] Zhan Danian, Jiang Shanglei (通讯), Li Shikang, Sun Yuwen. A hybrid multi-step method based on 1-3 and 3-8 simpson formulas for milling stability prediction. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2022,1201-2:265-277. (中科院3JCR Q2, IF:3.4
[10] Sun Yuwen, Zheng meng, Jiang Shanglei (通讯), Zhan Danian, Wang Ruoqi. A state-of-the-art review on chatter stability in machining thin-walled parts. Machines,2023,113:359. (中科院3区,JCR Q2, IF:2.6
1、 上银优秀机械博士论文奖“佳作奖”(2022
2、 英国机械工程师学会“THATCHER BROTHERS”奖(2023
3、 大连交通大学高层次人才支持计划“新星计划”(2023
4、 大连市高层次人才-青年才俊(2023
1、 中国机械工程学会 高级会员
2、 多本SCI期刊审稿人